Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Nature's Innocence

And if I asked you now to take this cork,
From out my throat,
Unscrew my mouth.

And pour the red lies of deceit,
Idly from your stained mind,
Free to flow.

You would answer but not hesitate,
And now, you would have already stamped,
My innocence.

With you gnarling cursed tongue,
Marveling at your potent lies,
  Volatile roots drunken.

A wilting Sunflower prays to Mother Earth,
To pull her limb by degraded limb,
  Expel her black bugged stem.

Push her weeded hair beneath the soil,
Where earthen lies lay shrouded,
 Layer upon unknowing layer. 


gavin said...

loving the pieces miss anias! keep it up.. x

Unknown said...

i love this one!!!!